6 min read

Disable Spesific Linux Command using Shellfirm

Disable Spesific Linux Command using Shellfirm

This post is more like a note to myself, but this may help if you are looking at How Disable Spesific Linux Command using Shellfirm.

Question: How to prevent a given user from being able to run a specific command?

This technique uses Shellfirm to prevent unwanted access.


Intercept any risky patterns (default or defined by you) and prompt you a small challenge for double verification.

How does it Work?

shellfirm will evaluate all the shell commands behind the scenes. If a risky pattern is detected, you will immediately get a prompt with the relevant warning to verify your command.

Risky commands

The predefined a baseline of risky groups command that will be enabled by default, these are risky commands that might be destructive.

GroupEnabled By Default


  1. Clone Git Repository
sudo apt install make cargo git -y
git clone https://github.com/kaplanelad/shellfirm.git
cd shellfirm

2.   Build Shellfirm

sudo make build
sudo mv target/debug/shellfirm /usr/local/bin/

3.   Add to Shell (Bash)

For every user that use Shellfirm, login and exec :

# Download bash-preexec hook functions. 
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rcaloras/bash-preexec/master/bash-preexec.sh -o ~/.bash-preexec.sh

# Source our file at the end of our bash profile (e.g. ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.bash_profile)
echo '[[ -f ~/.bash-preexec.sh ]] && source ~/.bash-preexec.sh' >> ~/.bashrc

# Download shellfirm pre-exec function
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kaplanelad/shellfirm/main/shell-plugins/shellfirm.plugin.sh -o ~/.shellfirm-plugin.sh

# Load pre-exec command on shell initialized
echo 'source ~/.shellfirm-plugin.sh' >> ~/.bashrc

If using Shell other than Bash, we can follow docs: https://github.com/kaplanelad/shellfirm/tree/v0.2.6#setup-your-shell

4.   Create settings directory

For every user that use Shellfirm, login and exec :

mkdir ~/.shellfirm
source ~/.bashrc

Manage app config

    shellfirm config [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help    Print help information

    challenge        Reset configuration
    deny             Deny command pattern
    help             Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    ignore           Ignore command pattern
    reset            Reset configuration
    update-groups    enable check group

5.   Verify using risky command

shellfirm will intercept any risky patterns and immediately prompt a small challenge that will double verify your action, think of it as a captcha for your terminal.

git reset --hard

* This command going to reset all your local changes.

Solve the challenge:: 8 + 7 = ? ^C to cancel

Change Challenge

  1. Change the Challenge
shellfirm config challenge

? change shellfirm challenge › 
❯ Yes

✔ change shellfirm challenge · Yes

2.   Verify

sudo rm -rf /

* You are going to delete everything in the path.

Type `yes` to continue ^C to cancel

Deny Commands

  1. Deny the command Patterns
shellfirm config deny
? select checks (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection) 

2.   Verify

sudo reboot

* You are going to reboot your machine.

The command is not allowed. type ^C to cancel

Create Custom Command Patterns

Command patterns are built in Shellfirm binary file so in order to create new/custom commands, we need to compile our own Shellfirm binary file.

  1. Create new group & patterns

To create new pattern, we need to add new group to shellfirm/shellfirm/checks/ then add our new command regex into it. Different command pattern should be grouped separately.


- from: "Group name, same with file name"
  test: "Regular Expression for command"
  description: "Command description to display"
  id: "id/label, must be unique per command"

For Example, I want to create pattern commands for Openstack

vim shellfirm/shellfirm/checks/openstack.yaml

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*compute\s*agent\s*(delete|unset|remove|purge)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/unset/remove/purge Compute Agent in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:delete_compute_agent

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*compute\s*service\s*(delete|unset|remove|purge)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/unset/remove/purge Compute Service in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:delete_compute_service

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*project\s*(delete|unset|remove|purge)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/unset/remove/purge Project in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:delete_project

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*network\s*(delete|unset|remove|purge)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/unset/remove/purge Network or Network Agent in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:delete_network

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*network\s*agent\s*(delete|unset|remove|purge)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/unset/remove/purge Network or Network Agent in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:delete_network_agent

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*subnet\s*(delete|unset|remove|purge)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/unset/remove/purge Subnet in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:delete_subnet

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*user\s*(delete|unset|remove|purge)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/unset/remove/purge User in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:delete_user

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*floating\s*ip\s*(delete|unset|remove|purge)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/unset/remove/purge Floatin IP in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:delete_floating_ip

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*volume\s*(delete|unset|remove|purge)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/unset/remove/purge Volume in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:delete_volume

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*security\s*group\s*(delete|unset|remove|purge)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/unset/remove/purge Security Group in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:delete_security_group

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*security\s*group\s*rule\s*(delete|unset|remove|purge)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/unset/remove/purge Security Group Rule in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:delete_security_group_rule

- from: openstack
  test: \s*openstack\s*server\s*(delete|lock|pause|reboot|rebuild|remove|stop|suspend|unset)\s*
  description: "You are going to delete/lock/pause/reboot/rebuild/remove/stop/suspend/unset Server in OpenStack"
  id: openstack:server_command

2.   Create test file

Create a test file for every command pattern available

cd ~/shellfirm/shellfirm/tests/checks/

Filename format: group-pattern_id.yaml

Content of test files :

- test: command to test
  description: description about test

Example for openstack-server_command.yaml

- test: openstack server delete
  description: delete instance
- test: sudo openstack server delete
  description: match command
- test: sudo     openstack    server   delete
  description: match command

Execute test

cd ~/shellfirm

# Install Cargo Insta
cargo install cargo-insta --locked
export PATH=$PATH:~/.cargo/bin

# Create new snapshot for all test
cargo insta test

# Update & verify new snapshot created
cargo insta review

# Running test
cargo test

After test completed without error, we can proceed to build the binary file.

3.   Build New Shellfirm Binary File

cd ~/shellfirm
make build
sudo mv target/debug/shellfirm /usr/local/bin/

4.   Verify Shellfirm Update

shellfirm --version
shellfirm config reset

shellfirm config update-groups
? select checks (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection) 
  ✔ terraform
❯ ✔ openstack
  ✔ kubernetes-strict
  ✔ git-strict
  ✔ fs-strict
  ✔ heroku
  ✔ kubernetes
  ✔ base
  ✔ fs
  ✔ git

New groups for new command patterns appear

5.   Operational Test

openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name                             | Status | Networks                           | Image        | Flavor    |
| 6db53ecd-f99e-4faf-88f5-96ff1df691e5 | cirros-test                      | ACTIVE | int-net=                  | Cirros-0.6.0 | m1.small  |

openstack server delete cirros-test
* You are going to delete/lock/pause/reboot/rebuild/remove/stop/suspend/unset Server in OpenStack

Solve the challenge:: 4 + 3 = ? ^C to cancel

Deny the command

shellfirm config deny

? select checks (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection) 
  ✔ base:bash_fork_bomb
  ✔ base:delete_all_cron_tasks
  ✔ base:execute_all_history_commands
  ✔ base:reboot_machine
  ✔ base:shutdown_machine
  ✔ openstack:delete_compute_agent
  ✔ openstack:delete_compute_service
  ✔ openstack:delete_project
  ✔ openstack:delete_network
  ✔ openstack:delete_network_agent
  ✔ openstack:delete_subnet
  ✔ openstack:delete_user
  ✔ openstack:delete_floating_ip
  ✔ openstack:delete_volume
  ✔ openstack:delete_security_group
  ✔ openstack:delete_security_group_rule
❯ ✔ openstack:server_command
  ✔ git:reset
  ✔ git:delete_all
  ✔ fs:recursively_delete
  ✔ fs:move_to_dev_null
  ✔ fs:flush_file_content
  ✔ fs:recursively_chmod
  ✔ fs:delete_find_files

Verify Command

openstack server delete cirros-test
* You are going to delete/lock/pause/reboot/rebuild/remove/stop/suspend/unset Server in OpenStack

The command is not allowed. type ^C to cancel


GitHub - kaplanelad/shellfirm: Intercept any risky patterns (default or defined by you) and prompt you a small challenge for double verification
Intercept any risky patterns (default or defined by you) and prompt you a small challenge for double verification - GitHub - kaplanelad/shellfirm: Intercept any risky patterns (default or defined b...